
The goal is the develop the underlying mechanics first, have multiple “Mini Games” available that can be used in the Story mode. Graphics will be gradually improved over time (as the budget increases). We first want to add value, then make it amazing.

Milestone 1

MVP: Basic Word Learning Mini-games. Get feedback on feature requests and work on Learning Algorithm.

Game play: Minimal, Graphics: Minimal, Story: None.

Milestone 2

Prioritize feature requests, implement minor changes/viable changes. Request Funding. Add more Mini-Games.

Game play: Moderate, Graphics: Minimal, Story: None.

Milestone 3

Develop Story Mode, improve graphics and add Mini-Games.

Game play: Moderate, Graphics: Minimal, Story: Minimal.

Milestone 4

Update Graphics, tweak story mode.

Game play: Moderate, Graphics: Minimal, Story: Moderate.

Milestone 5+

Update and Improve all aspects until we reach:

Game play: Awesome, Graphics: Awesome, Story: Awesome.